Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Schindler Analysis

Schindler’s List is a 1993 American Drama Film about Oskar Schindler, a German Businessman who saved the lives of more than one thousand Jewish Refugees during the Holocaust. In the beginning of the movie, Oskar Schindler is a money hungry businessman. Working with the Nazi Party, he acquires a factory for the production of Army mess kits. Schindler first chooses to hire Jews instead of Poles because they cost less to employ. As the movie progresses, his motive to hire Jews slowly changes. After being exposed to the harsh cruelty many Jews were enduring at concentration camps, his main motive turns into saving as many Jews as he can. This desire to save Jews is very risky since he is working with the Nazi Party.
Like many, I was confused as to why they would try to give this movie a happy ending. The holocaust was certainly not happy from beginning to end, millions of innocent people died, while a million others where aware but were too afraid to do anything. Not only that, but the movie was shot in black and white. As we learned earlier in class, some movies did this to portray the gloomy subject they were covering better. Since this is the case, why try to put a happy ending and contradict the whole movie?

FDR Four Freedom

Franklin D. Roosevelts “Four Freedom” speech was one he gave with the urgency of his wife behind him. The speech spoke of the four freedoms everyone in the world should abide by, as well as enjoy. The four freedoms mentioned are:
1. Freedom of Speech and Expression
2. Freedom of Religion
3. Freedom from Want
4. Freedom from Fear
I thought the speech was great, as did many other.s The four freedoms he highlights are not only one that I can agree with, but I believe they are some that our country institutes daily. Everyday we are blessed with the right to go out and speak our mind on any topic, ranging from sports, or to how we think the President is not doing the right thing. In many other countries, this luxury is not allowed. I have experienced this first hand. Being born and raised in Iraq, I was constantly aware of my parents always watching what they say. When they wanted to speak about the government, they made sure they were doing it inside a closed room with no possible way a stranger could listen in. They did this because it was not very uncommon for people to be killed because they spoke negatively about the Iraqi government.
I was also a Christian being raised in a predominately Muslim country. While we weren’t outcasted by most, some did hassle us about it. During school in Iraq, it was a requirement to take a religion class, except only one religion was offered, Islam. During this period, my sisters and I would ask to be excused outside until the end of the session. Some teachers were not very accepting of this, and would force us to remain in class, and the majority of the time, they would hit us (a common tactic used in Iraqi schools). For that, we had to keep our religion a secret.
Freedom from Fear is something we also take for granted. I remember the days I spent in Iraq, at least once a year we would here the sirens go off, warning us of an oncoming attack. I spent many days as a child hurled up in the center of a room in my mothers arm afraid of what is going outside, while my mother was frantically trying to convince me it is just thunder.
Living in Iraq made me experience the polar opposite of these four freedoms, and for that, I appreciate this speech that much more. Everyday I wake up in Michigan I’m thankful for these four freedoms that were once void in my life.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

I grew up in a place where dreams and aspirations
were no more than what our society can inhabit.
My dreams lack, my aspirations void.
I crave love, not just false fulfillment.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

First Snow- Rough Beginning

We got first snow tonight, how exciting!

I decided to drive my girlfriend home at around 1:30 today after deeming it unsafe for her to be driving alone. I drop her off, and everything is fine, until I'm a mile away from home...My car stalls out on me. After a few minutes, I managed to get my ol' focus running again. I'm typing this with wet hands, and too many layers on.

I hope you all had a better experience than I on our first of many snows!

Thursday, November 26, 2009


Happy Thanksgiving!

Monday, November 23, 2009

As I walk forward,
my shadows refuse to follow;
they stray the opposite way.
I am a contradiction.

Detroit Lions

I'd like to formally thank the Detroit Lions on the impressive victory they had against the Cleveland Browns yesterday. Who would have thought we'd win two games this early into the season? You boys have really stepped it up, you have enough victories this season alone to let you coast through the next couple of years. Maybe next week we can do what Kansas City did to Pittsburgh.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009


Did anyone else watch the Red Wings game tonight? Why does the league hate us?

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Quick Write- The White Rose

Like many of the students in our class, The White Rose article really stands out to me. I can relate to it not only because Hans, Sophie, and Christoph are of similar age as us, but because of their rebellious actions. As I mentioned in class, I believe we are living in an age where rebellion and "individuality" is adhered to greatly. We all like to think we are different, we all like to think we stand up for what's right, and we're not just doing things because it is the "norm." These are values the members of The White Rose truly believed in.

Reading this article makes me thankful for what I do have; freedom of speech. I have the right to legally state what I believe in, share it with other people, and the opportunity to overturn an act that I believe to be unethical.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Life Long Tragedy- Hey Death!

This song reminds me of The Book Thief, not because it deals with the holocaust or anything, but simply because it personifies death.
You probably will not find the song appealing because it's loud and messy, but if you read the lyrics, you'll understand that it cannot be done any other way.

If you enjoy this stuff, I really suggest you check out the rest of this bands music. I'll even send it to you.

"Black eye date tonight with what's left of my life
'Cuz I've been livin' like I'm staring death right in its eyes
And death stares back at me and whispers in m ear:
"The way you're living now, it won't be long 'til you'll be here."

Hey Death, I don't know much and this may sound trite,
But what the fuck is wrong with life?
My broken generation, we fantasize
Of being washed out with the tides.
And I'll miss my memories but they've always been behind me.
And looking forward, I doubt that many more are coming.
Hey do you ever wonder why you're alive?
Just think right now might be your time to die.

Hey Death, I'm a fucking mess.
Can you stop this beating in my chest?
It's time to sink into your sins, 'cuz just after this short life ends
You'll get to meet one of my closest friends, permanent darkness.
It'll know all your secrets,
It'll know your deepest regrets
Like the chances you forget to take
So find what's yours before it's too late.

Hey Death, I'm a fucking mess.
Can you stop this beating in my chest?
A minute of your time is all I need
So I can finally accept the fact that I'm dying."

Friday, November 6, 2009

Upload your presentations on youtube!

I made a Youtube account for our class, so if everyone can log in and upload their video, I'd be appreciated. If you have any questions, leave a comment.

username: umdcomp105
password: stewart1

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

I love Christmas, but I can't believe my work is making me put all the Christmas stuff out right now. Thanksgiving hasn't even passed yet. It seems that each year, Christmas appears earlier in stores. It ruins the fun of it!

Speaking of Christmas, does anyone know when the Hines Drive Light fest starts?

Monday, November 2, 2009


It's a shame when a tragedy is needed to rekindle a friendship.
Today was my first time seeing my best friend in almost two months. I've had chances to see him during the two month period, but I was to ignorant to do so. He was in an accident earlier today, but thankfully, he's not hurt.

Do you know the saying, "if you care about someone, then let them know?"
Some statements are cliche for a reason.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Visual Literacy

I finished my project a bit early, so I thought I'd share.

WWII- American Propaganda from Sean Yacoub on Vimeo.

Thursday, October 22, 2009


I'm let down.

Midterm Evaluation

Although I may appear as a slacker, I promise you I'm not. I procrastinate more than your average student, so Kristi, I know I'm behind on these blogs, but I promise I will catch up!

Composition 105 is easily one of my favorite classes, I'm surprised to say that I look forward coming to this class, a feeling I've never correlated with school before. I have enjoyed all the class discussions we've had, I understand the subject so much more when I hear what others have to say. It gives you a whole new perspective.

I've always enjoyed writing, but I have problems writing assigned papers. I, for some reason, lose interest when I'm forced to write something, but being in this class is slowly changing my feelings. In high school, you were not really given the option of choosing what you want to write about, it was always one topic the teacher assigned, and everyone in the class wrote about. The fact that our whole class is focusing on different parts of the same topic I think is really cool. This way all our papers have some sort of variety.

I am looking forward to completing this course, learning different types of writing, and hopefully improving myself. It'll be really neat reading the first paper I wrote with the last one I will write, and comparing them. I think the difference is going to be huge.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Not many people know this,

but sometimes I write my thoughts down in a matter that is referred to as "poetry."

"Superficial minds live off of ingenious lies.
I refuse to abolish ones faults in order to penetrate their qualities.
My fear of loneliness is blanketed by a feeling of reality,
Because everlasting is as good as non-existent."


"The halt has seized, the emotions let loose.
For so long, the deception of ones own was the answer.
My ability to overtake reality and conjure it into a dream is successful until I choose to let go.
Does this make me a powerful man, or do my insecurities shine through this translucent life, reflecting the true cowardliness and fear behind my actions?"

Take it easy on the critiquing please :)

Monday, September 21, 2009

Exile or Mercy for Old Nazi Guards

To prosecute the guards now would be completely absurd. I do not, in any way, condone the violence that occurred during World War II and the Holocaust, and like most, I find it overwhelmingly unethical and repulsive. That being said, I do not believe that these elderly men, who were once forced into a compromising decision, that being death, or joining the Nazi regime, be prosecuted.

On September 14, 1940, the United States passed the first peacetime draft in U.S. history. What this draft did is require any male between the ages of twenty one, and thirty to register with local draft boards. Draftees were selected through a lottery. If you were one of the many soldiers whose name had been drafted, you were faced with two choices, to enter the military, or to serve time in jail. The connection I am trying to make is this; many soldiers joined the military during these times not because of interest in defending their country, but in fear of serving time in jail. The men being spoken of in the article were in the same unpleasant situation, except theirs was a little worse. The consequence of not joining the Nazi regime was not jail time, but death. I whole heartedly believe that they did not take up these jobs because they were interested in extinguishing the Jewish community, but they did this to spare their own lives.

You may bring up the issue of, “Well, if they knew what was happening is wrong, then why did they not speak up?” I think the answer goes back to what I mentioned earlier; the fear of their own lives being taken away. We need to understand that during the WWII era, Democracy was not instilled in Germany, and freedom of speech was not valued. This means, those who decided to courageously revolt what the German government was doing at the time, were likely to be killed.

Another thing that confuses me is this; why wait over sixty years to exile these Nazi guards? We can agree that thinking of the Holocaust now, and thinking of the Holocaust thirty years ago, brings back the same feeling of disgust, can we not? Then why did they not prosecute these men thirty, forty, or fifty years ago? I believe that the government has only one reason for going after these men now. To create a better image of ourselves.

Winston Churchill

On May 10, 1940 Sir Winston Churchill became United Kingdom Prime Minister. Three days later, he gave his first, and arguably his most famous speech; “Blood, Toil, Tears and Sweat.”

An excerpt that stands out to me is, “You ask, what is our aim? I can answer in one word. It is victory. Victory at all costs - Victory in spite of all terrors - Victory, however long and hard the road may be, for without victory there is no survival.”

Just like Hitler used the power of his words to gain his nations support, Winston Churchill does the same. During his first speech, he makes his dedication to their country clear. In it, he tries to accumulate a whole nations support to stop, “a monstrous tyranny never surpasses in the dark and lamentable catalog of human crime.” In this speech, Churchill condones the violence that is yet to happen by saying without it, there would be no appreciation for what you have. It goes back to several basic questions.

What’s love without hate?
What good is your heart, if it doesn’t break?
What is victory without a fight?

The answer is nothing. In order to respectfully conceive what you have, you need to experience the polar opposite of it. That to me is the message underlying this particular speech.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

The genius of the crowd

There is enough treachery, hatred, violence and absurdity in the average
human being to supply any given army on any given day

and the best at murder are those who preach against it
and the best at hate are those who preach love
and the best at war finally are those who preach peace

those who preach god, need god
those who preach peace do not have peace
those who preach peace do not have love

beware the preachers
beware the knowers
beware those who are always reading books
beware those who either detest poverty
or are proud of it
beware those quick to praise
for they need praise in return
beware those who are quick to censor
they are afraid of what they do not know
beware those who seek constant crowds for
they are nothing alone
beware the average man the average woman
beware their love, their love is average
seeks average

but there is genius in their hatred
there is enough genius in their hatred to kill you
to kill anybody
not wanting solitude
not understanding solitude
they will attempt to destroy anything
that differs from their own
not being able to create art
they will not understand art
they will consider their failure as creators
only as a failure of the world
not being able to love fully
they will believe your love incomplete
and then they will hate you
and their hatred will be perfect

like a shining diamond
like a knife
like a mountain
like a tiger
like hemlock

their finest art

-Charles Bukowski

Friday, September 11, 2009