Saturday, November 7, 2009

Life Long Tragedy- Hey Death!

This song reminds me of The Book Thief, not because it deals with the holocaust or anything, but simply because it personifies death.
You probably will not find the song appealing because it's loud and messy, but if you read the lyrics, you'll understand that it cannot be done any other way.

If you enjoy this stuff, I really suggest you check out the rest of this bands music. I'll even send it to you.

"Black eye date tonight with what's left of my life
'Cuz I've been livin' like I'm staring death right in its eyes
And death stares back at me and whispers in m ear:
"The way you're living now, it won't be long 'til you'll be here."

Hey Death, I don't know much and this may sound trite,
But what the fuck is wrong with life?
My broken generation, we fantasize
Of being washed out with the tides.
And I'll miss my memories but they've always been behind me.
And looking forward, I doubt that many more are coming.
Hey do you ever wonder why you're alive?
Just think right now might be your time to die.

Hey Death, I'm a fucking mess.
Can you stop this beating in my chest?
It's time to sink into your sins, 'cuz just after this short life ends
You'll get to meet one of my closest friends, permanent darkness.
It'll know all your secrets,
It'll know your deepest regrets
Like the chances you forget to take
So find what's yours before it's too late.

Hey Death, I'm a fucking mess.
Can you stop this beating in my chest?
A minute of your time is all I need
So I can finally accept the fact that I'm dying."

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