Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Schindler Analysis

Schindler’s List is a 1993 American Drama Film about Oskar Schindler, a German Businessman who saved the lives of more than one thousand Jewish Refugees during the Holocaust. In the beginning of the movie, Oskar Schindler is a money hungry businessman. Working with the Nazi Party, he acquires a factory for the production of Army mess kits. Schindler first chooses to hire Jews instead of Poles because they cost less to employ. As the movie progresses, his motive to hire Jews slowly changes. After being exposed to the harsh cruelty many Jews were enduring at concentration camps, his main motive turns into saving as many Jews as he can. This desire to save Jews is very risky since he is working with the Nazi Party.
Like many, I was confused as to why they would try to give this movie a happy ending. The holocaust was certainly not happy from beginning to end, millions of innocent people died, while a million others where aware but were too afraid to do anything. Not only that, but the movie was shot in black and white. As we learned earlier in class, some movies did this to portray the gloomy subject they were covering better. Since this is the case, why try to put a happy ending and contradict the whole movie?

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